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Mayan Mocha Spice Decaf Flavored Coffee

Price:$16.35 /lb.
Grind: Whole Bean:
Auto Drip:
 Mayan Mocha Spice Decaf Flavored Coffee

This popular flavor combination of ancient Mesoamerica is resurrected in an expanded context. The Mayans, who were the original cultivators of cacao tree that provides us with cocoa and chocolate, only knew cacao in its beverage form. They flavored their tepid cocoa beverage with chiles and other spices. Today, the combination of chile and cocoa flavors works in everything from barbecue to ice cream to, yes, chocolate bars and hot chocolate, delivering complex heat, depth, dimension and richness.

This coffee displays a unique hot / spicy note. If you are a chili pepper fan, this coffee is for you. If not... BEWARE!


NOFA NY Fair Trade Cert SCAA cert   SWP cert   KSA cert

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